What type of Potterhead are you?

Yo! If you think you are a Potterhead, then please go ahead and take this quiz! You will find out what type of Potterhead you are! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!

Seriously, you should take this quiz. I am begging you!! Are you a Draco fangirl, a true Potterhead, or another type? Have fun with the quiz, I hope its not too cringey.

Created by: NUNYA
  1. Welcome to my quiz! How many times have you read the books?
  2. How many times have you seen the movies
  3. What’s your opinion on Harry?
  4. What about Hermione?
  5. What about Ron?
  6. And Draco Malfoy?
  7. What you think of Ginny?
  8. I’m lazy, Byyyyyyeeee!
  9. Pick a dot
  10. I had to have 10 Qs, byyyyyyeee

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Quiz topic: What type of Potterhead am I?
