What type of person are you

There are do many types of different people but which on are you a gangster a nerd a jock or a normal person you will find out. Um have fun and find out what you are.

So what do you think you are a cool ass gangster a geeky nerd a strong jock or a freakin normal person you will soon find out what the heck you are in this test.

Created by: Henry

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What kind of clothes do you wear
  2. Who hangs around you
  3. What do you do on free time
  4. How do you treat people
  5. Do you sag
  6. What would you do
  7. Do you want glasses
  8. How many friends do you have
  9. What tv show do you see
  10. Like it

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Quiz topic: What type of person am I