what type of mythical wof dragon are you?

hihihihiihihi!! hello! welcome to the wof quiz!!! this quiz has a bunch of exclamation marks and face thingies and kinf of cringe so um enjoy the quiz?

lets see what mythical type of dragon you are, the possible results are : animus, hybrid, animus hybrid, animus queen, hybrid queen, and finally hyrbid animus queen.

Created by: FrostTheHybridAnimus
  1. if you were an animus, what would you do with your "SHUPER AWUSHUM POWERS"
  2. what would you want to be?
  3. who is your favourite queen?
  4. if you were a hybrid, which continent would you be from?
  5. what your favourite colour?
  6. which is your favourite tribe?
  7. which sandwing queen would you support?
  8. if you went talons-to-talons with burn, what would you do?
  9. what special ability would you have?
  10. this is the last question and i can't think of anything so, bye?

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Quiz topic: What type of mythical wof dragon am I?
