What type of lesbian are you

There a many different types of lesbians in the world. But do you really fit into a category? well here is an easy way to find out. answer these simple questions and find out within minutes.

Are you a lesbian or are you bi sexual? are you girly or not. either way this quiz will help you determine what your really are and what you really like.

Created by: shannon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What clothes style do you prefer?
  2. What is the One thing you notice first in a girl?
  3. What can you NOT live without?
  4. What trait do you look for in a girl?
  5. What's your favorite date idea?
  6. if your date went well how long would you leave it before you called?
  7. your longest relationship?
  8. what would you say is your best quality?
  9. where would you take your date for a meal?
  10. Last Question. what hair style do you prefer?

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Quiz topic: What type of lesbian am I