What type of Dragon are you (Pyrrhian)?

Here's another quiz: Which type of Dragon are YOU? There's the Mudwing, Seawing, Icewing, Skywing, Nightwing, Sandwing and Rainwing. What do you want to get???

This test will put you through 8 questions: put an answer for each question and see what you get from the 7 options. When you're ready, you can just press the start button and off you go!

Created by: I am Qibli
  1. Where is your ideal location?
  2. At a sleepover, what would you do?
  3. Can you do maths?
  4. How do you act in front of your crush?
  5. What animal represents you? ( Ask your family)
  6. Your favourite colour?
  7. Your favourite sport?
  8. What do ya wanna get?
  9. You thought it was over didn't ya! Tricked you!
  10. What's your name?

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Quiz topic: What type of Dragon am I (Pyrrhian)?
