what type of car are you?

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Do you want to find out what car you would be? Answer interesting questions to find out!You may never be the snazziest, but who cares what others think about you? You power-steer your way to soccer practice with assuredness and confidence.

Have fun in trying to guess what kind of car you are. If you want to get your perfect result, please do the quiz again!You love cars, both domestic and foreign and you can't wait to find out what one you are!

Created by: James clark
  1. Which type of adventurist do you like?
  2. Do you love driving fast on games such as nfs?
  3. Do you drive an automatic vehicle?
  4. Do you love to watch movies all day? Or are you someone who loves to tidy up their house?
  5. Do you like life in the slow lane? Or do you like the fast lane?
  6. Do you like comfort? Or do you like bumpy roads?
  7. Do you absolutely love to drive in the rain?
  8. How fast do you go?
  9. Do you love the slow lane then why?
  10. Would you pick a friend or neighbour up if they asked you to?

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Quiz topic: What type of car am I?
