What Tier Is Your Guardian?

Quiz Image

The cover image is deceiving. This quiz has nothing to do with anything "honey-soy-chicken-wings" or stuff like that. And I'm being serious. Please don't take this as sarcasm or you will be disappointed. You were warned.

This quiz is about which tier your guardian is. The higher the tier, the stronger the guardian. Based on how ___________ you are, the guardians will choose you.

Created by: LilBoi3689
  1. Which type are you according to the Alignment Chart?
  2. What's your main personality type for jobs?
  3. Are you a leader or a follower?
  4. Which quote speaks to you most?
  5. How active is your imagination?
  6. Which word speaks to you the most?
  7. Pick a number.
  8. Hello! So your author here got a bit bored and now you are stuck with some seemingly random questions. Please bear with it for another two questions and you will hopefully get the result you wanted (though not guaranteed).
  9. What letter does your best friend's name start with?
  10. Alright! Thank you for bearing with me! The quiz has ended! You can leave now.

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Quiz topic: What Tier Is my Guardian?
