What super power is your?

Ok this is my first quiz it basically which super power you prombly you meant to be born with if was have super power this is the power I pick for you Night vesion super strenght super speed immortal invisiblty mind control flight and the power of fire

not every will like the result they get it ok just for fun but if you want take the quiz find out which super power that more for you will rather get night vesion to see at the dark at will whenever is dark or you looking for to be very strong person are you looking to be the fastest man alive or want to lives for ever or fly to get to pleases faster have the power of fire for no body could mess with you or control people with your mind and be invisible at will sneaking around

Created by: Rottweiler1441
  1. what do you prefer to do at your spire time
  2. you one day living a normal life and you born with these power something other of the ordaniry happen like a mafia gang strick a bank that is in your community and got away with lots of cash what do you do
  3. what clothe do you narmally wear
  4. ok so what your tatick to defeat the mafia
  5. what type of charater is more of what you like
  6. you in a war fighting the mafia in you community and tire do you keep going
  7. symbol for your superhero suit
  8. do you got a weapon of chose
  9. where do you like to lives
  10. you the defeated the mafia you bring peace to your community what will you do next when a year go by at peace with your power and you are rewarded 1 mollion doller

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Quiz topic: What super power is my?