What sponge bob character are you?

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This might be the hardestt quiz every!!! Make sure that you take your time and do good!!! After you done please rate this quiz!!!

Created by: HeArT_QuEen
  1. What is your favorite character?
  2. What kind of pet does Sponge Bob have?
  3. What does does sponge bob do for a living?
  4. What is patrick's favorite thing to do?
  5. Patrick is what color?
  6. What is Mr.Krab's FAVORITE thing?
  7. Where does Mr.Krab's live?
  8. What is Sponge Bob's favorite thing to do with patrick?
  9. What does Patrick live in?
  10. What is Mr. Krab's Shop called?

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Quiz topic: What sponge bob character am I?