What South Park kid Are You?

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This quiz is just for the four main boys (Kyle, Stan, Eric, and Kenny) I made this for fun and don't be a little bish about this, like I said, I made this for fun.

If I need to add something, just comment and I may or may not add it. Also why do we need to write two freaking paragraphs to introduce our quizzes? Kinda dumb if you ask me.

Created by: Aluniar
  1. You and your friends are about to do something risky, what do you do?
  2. Do you make fun of your friends?
  3. What is most important to you?
  4. Would you slap your friend for 500$?
  5. Do you think you are going to heaven or hell?
  6. Would you make something up to gain clout/money and the expense of others?
  7. Are you protective of your friends?
  8. What would you do for money?
  9. (won't effect score) What is your favorite South Park character out of these four?
  10. (won't effect score) What should I do next?

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Quiz topic: What South Park kid am I?
