Is this character Family Guy, South Park or Simpsons?

How well do you know these shows? Each question consists of a character and you must guess whether the character in the question is a South Park, Family Guy or Simpsons character.

Each question consists of a character and you must guess whether the character in the question is a South Park, Family Guy or Simpsons character. But watch out because the last question is a trick question.

Created by: MysteryMcCormick

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Ned Flanders
  2. Kenny McCormick
  3. Meg Griffin
  4. Joe Swanson
  5. Mr Garrison
  6. Nelson Muntz
  7. Terrance and Phillip
  8. Sheila Broflovski
  9. Stewie Griffin
  10. Lisa
  11. Maggie
  12. Glenn Quagmire
  13. Lois Griffin
  14. Mr Burns
  15. Kyle Broflovski
  16. Mr Mackey
  17. Brian Griffin
  18. Moe Syslak
  19. Homer
  20. Eric Cartman
  21. Peter Griffin
  22. Bender

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