what sonic girl are you

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This quiz was for the fun of soni peps and is only for girls. I was bored the day I made this So I wanted to make a quiz. So plz be awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Created by: soniclover
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you had do something all day wat would it be?
  2. If you saw sonic would you...
  3. If shadow took you for a romantic dinner would you
  4. Your getting married to....
  5. You break up with your boyfriend what do you do....
  6. GRAPES!!!!
  7. what weapon do u-
  8. baby boy or girl
  10. Last question, lucas!
  11. HA! Not fooled sonic or shadow

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Quiz topic: What sonic girl am I