What Size Horse Should I Ride?

In this quiz, you will learn what size horse you should ride, whether you are choosing a horse to ride for a lesson or looking to buy a horse, you can find what you need right here.

It really isn't that hard, we only made a few questions to make it as easy as possible to answer for you, and you can get it done in just a few seconds and hopefully it isn't boring.

Created by: HORSEYGIRL7117
  1. How old are you?
  2. How much do you weigh?
  3. How tall are you?
  4. How tall would you like your horse?
  5. What size horse do you usually ride?
  6. Have you ever fallen off of a horse?
  7. What size horse do you THINK would fit you?
  8. How often do you ride?
  9. What level rider do YOU think that you are?
  10. What level does your instructor/supervisor say that you are?

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