What should your name be

Everyone has a name but your one of a kind with a name no one could ever think of for a Girl So you need to find out what name is really yours and if it is your real name.

I hope youlike this quiz So hurry up and take it already what are you waiting for there are names you might not Have herd of ever before and names you might Have herd before.

Created by: mack
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like sports
  2. Are you a only child
  3. What's better
  4. What's your smile
  5. what is text talk
  6. do you like fuzzy or not fuzzy animals
  7. Do you Have pets
  8. Do you sleep good
  9. These are random each answer gives you 6 but 2 are bad So good luck
  10. This one is random to but this has 4 bad ones

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Quiz topic: What should Ir name be