What Seeker Bear Are You?

Have you ever heard of the series seekers by seekers. If you haven't I would turn back because you would be pretty confused if you tried it if you haven't. Anyways, have you ever wondered what bear you would be, if you did find out here.

Out of kallik, taqqiq, lusa, toklo, and urajurak which are you? Anything is possible so you could turn out as your favorite character, or your least favorite but either way, at least you wasted a few minutes.

Created by: Blamblestar
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you're mother was killed what would you do?
  2. If you could change to any animal what would it be?
  3. Who is your favorite Seeker?
  4. What is your favorite Erin Hunter series?
  5. What season is your favorite, Burn-sky of Ice-sky
  6. What species of bear would you want to be?
  7. How much did you like this quiz?(This question does not effect score)
  8. Last question, what is your favorite color?(This question will not affect score)
  9. Okay, last question, are you tired of this quiz?
  10. A couple more, are you a fan of Erin Hunter?
  11. Last question, do you like pie?

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Quiz topic: What Seeker Bear am I?