What's Your Lucky Number?

Okay, so I had no idea what I was doing with this quiz but... have fun. I just wanted to make a quiz. That's all. Please comment and rate. I kind of want to levelup, but it's your choice.

Why are you reading this? I'm just advertising and boring stuff. Maybe you'll find out your lucky number, maybe not. But regardless, stay safe and have fun. (No, I won't say good luck. COVID eliminated the good luck.)

Created by: Ninefails
  1. Introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
  2. Do you prefer MCU movies or just plain old fairytales and little stories? (Ex: Hansel and Gretel over Spider-Man: Far From Home.)
  3. Do you believe in God?
  4. Yoga or sports?
  5. Do you put off your homework until the day it's due or finish it once assigned?
  6. Do you believe in doing good things, even when nobody is looking?
  7. Style?
  8. Do you wear makeup?
  9. Do you change yourself to please others?
  10. What are your dreams?
  11. Do you want to be noticed?
  12. Pick a number.
  13. Would you sacrifice your own life to save all your friends's, or leave them hanging to save your own?
  14. Are you ready for your result?
  15. Well, regardless of what you put for the last one, you're going to get it after this one.

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Quiz topic: What's my Lucky Number?
