What's your cat's love language?

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Just like people, cats have a preference for how they express and receive love. The trick is finding out how they've been loving you this whole time. Hack your kitty's heart with this quiz!

idk why this website is making me write two 150 character opening paragraphs about this cat quiz i dont know what more i can say its exactly what youd expect from the title

Created by: Borkster
  1. How close will your cat willingly get to you?
  2. When is you cat most vocal?
  3. What does your cat do when you're in the same room?
  4. What about when you leave the room?
  5. What's your cat's favorite kind of toy?
  6. How does your cat react to being picked up?
  7. How does your cat react after you return home from a long trip?
  8. How forgiving is your cat if you move a little while they're sitting on your?
  9. Which description best matches your cat?
  10. How do YOU show your cat you love them?

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Quiz topic: What's my cat's love language?
