What RiverClan Leader Am I?

This quiz will tell you what RiverClan leader you are. Are you CrookedStar or Leopardstar or Hailstar? I hope you find out. A word of warning: the last question is silly!

I have enjoyed making this quiz for these reasons: 1)I enjoy making quizzes a lot 2)I enjoy warrior cats3)My favourite clan is RiverClan4)Warrior cats rocks!!!

Created by: Warrior Cats
  1. If you found that ThunderClan had crossed your boarder, what would you do?
  2. If you could grow up anywhere, where would you want to grow up?
  3. How would you want to grow up?
  4. If you could only do one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
  5. Favourite colour?
  6. What is your favourite season?
  7. Favourite type of fresh kill?
  8. MoonPool or MoonStone???
  9. If a kit was stuck in a flaming den, would you save it?
  10. Favourite thing to fight?

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