What prophecy dragonet are you? (WOF)

Welcome to a Wings Of Fire quiz. In this quiz, you'll find out what Prophecy dragon you are. what suits you the best? Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, Glory, Sunny?

So I really hope you enjoy it!!!! and find out what dragon you are. I spent agess______.... on this quiz so hopefully the dragon you got suits you anyways byee.

Created by: Amber
  1. If you could live anywhere where would it be?
  2. what would you prefer?
  3. Your friends are in danger! What will you do?!!
  4. someone asked you out you would say?
  5. someone murdered your BFF would you?
  6. You pick dinner
  7. there's not enough food for everyone what would you do?
  8. what power would you have?
  9. you got cool new sunglasses the colour would be?
  10. New toy! what would it be?!
  11. What letter to you like the best?
  12. the best name?
  13. what is your favorite book?
  14. FAMILY GAME NIGHT!! you would?????
  15. Your the... of the group?
  16. best tv showing thingy?
  17. Which is the best meme?
  18. best Roblox game????
  19. type of party?
  20. Pantalla or Pyrria

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Quiz topic: What prophecy dragonet am I? (WOF)
