What Pro Skater Are You?

There might not be more people that know these quiz questions. So you might as well study. For this quiz OF SKATING. And after you are finished taking this quiz rate and comment PLEASE.

So who are you going to be hu!!! Are you going take this quiz. You might be your best and favorate pro skater. You might be your self!!! So stop reading this thing I am writing.

Created by: al3x
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your favirote pro skater?
  2. Do you want to be in a video game?
  3. Are you a street skater or indoor skater?
  4. Do you want to get sponserd by nike, monster, or quicksilver.
  5. Do you go down a ramp or show off on street?
  6. Who is better jake brown or paul rodrigues?
  7. Who won the 2009 xgames?
  8. Is jake a...
  9. Who was the one who fell hard on the xgames?
  10. Did you like this quiz?
  11. Was that a silly question?

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