what pet should you get

so take this quiz for fun or to be serious and see what you will get for a pet and who knows maybe you will name it after me for giving you this good idea

take dis quiz to find out what animal you could get so go ahead and take it to find out if you are ready for a pet and if you are then hooray for you

Created by: hayliegh hanregolger
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you willing to give it all the exercise it needs
  2. will you feed it if it needs to be fed very often
  3. will you take it to the vet every once in a while
  4. when you go on a vacay what will you do with it
  5. were halfway how do you like this quiz so far (this wont change ur score)
  6. what pet do u want
  8. is there a small child in ur house
  9. why are u taking this quiz
  10. how much do u want it to shed

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Quiz topic: What pet should I get