What Pet Are You?

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Have you ever wondered what pet you are most like? Well this is the quiz for you! Take my quiz to find out what pet you truly are! I hope you enjoy it!

You can either get a dog, cat, hamster, rabbit, or guinea pig! All of these pets have different personality's just like humans! I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Created by: Mylie
  1. You are allowed to do whatever you want all day! What do you do?
  2. What is one thing you would change about your personality?
  3. What is your favorite subject in school?
  4. What element is your favorite?
  5. What's your favorite season?
  6. What's your favorite thing to eat?
  7. You see your friend being picked on. You?
  8. What's your favorite out of these?
  9. Which one of these scents would you want to smell the most?
  10. Lastly, you are gifted $100,000! How do you spend it?

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Quiz topic: What Pet am I?
