What part do you play in the hunger Games?

Today you will take a quiz on what part you would play if you were in the hunger Games, please no bad comments about the spelling. This is my first quiz.

This quiz will tell you what you will do most in the hunger Games and if this affects you in any way than please in the comments write it nicely down and not mean. This is my own opinions so don’t come after me in the comments.

Created by: Greengrass
  1. Who do you stand with?
  2. Pick a President
  3. Pick two weapons of choice
  4. Pick a hunger Games Character
  5. Pick a Flower
  6. Pick a stone
  7. Pick a type of Fabric
  8. pick a Animal
  9. President Coin asks you to choose some Capital person to save from death, who would you choose
  10. What is your ideal training score
  11. Final question: what is your favorite movies

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Quiz topic: What part do I play in the hunger Games?
