What NFL Position Are You?

Ever wondered what position YOU would be in the NFL? Well, with this quiz you can figure out which position you would be. Quarterback, linebacker, wide receiver? If you want to find out, just take the quiz!

Well, apparently I need to put more words here to be able to finish this quiz. So here is a joke. Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards? He was just going through a stage.

Created by: Adam
  1. How fast are you?
  2. How good are you at throwing?
  3. How good are you at catching?
  4. Can you tackle?
  5. Describe your build
  6. You are running towards a defender. You....
  7. Which of these things are you best at?
  8. Which do you prefer playing?
  9. How did you like this quiz? (Does not affect score)
  10. What division is your favorite team from? (Also doesn't affect score)

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Quiz topic: What NFL Position am I?
