What nail art suits your personality the best?

Maybe you like to stand out. Maybe you prefer simple, easy looks. Whatever your interests may be, there is a nail look for you. The ways in which you can do your nails are endless.

Are you daring enough to go for neon colors, or do you prefer a dainty, girly style using pastels? Find out what your personality says about your nail art style.

Created by: Kristen
  1. Would you say you are more of a leader or a follower?
  2. Do you consider yourself a creative person?
  3. How would you describe your fashion style?
  4. Are you the first to try new things, or do you wait for others to try them first?
  5. Are you more introverted or outgoing?
  6. How do you react to compliments?
  7. Is your favorite color more dark or light?
  8. Do you have a job or position that limits you from being creative with your nails?
  9. Do you follow fashion trends?
  10. How would your friends or family describe you?

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Quiz topic: What nail art suits my personality the best?