What Mythical Creature Are You?

Have you ever thought that you could maybe be a werewolf or a phantom? You can find out for sure with this quiz! It bases your result off of your answers.

The possible answers are dragon, werewolf, phantom, pixie, or just human. Don't worry if you're human, it means you don't have any problems! Take this quiz to find out if you're human.

Created by: not telling
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Anger issues?
  2. You think you have depression??
  3. Think about popularity much?
  4. Ever worry about clothes in the present?
  5. Get tired often?
  6. Do you curse in your head but wear a smile most of the time?
  7. Ever leave yourself out of fun stuff?
  8. Ever hate the world?
  9. Do you think your parents may have influenced yourself?
  10. Was this quiz fun?

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Quiz topic: What Mythical Creature am I?