What mythical creature are you?

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Mythical creatures are here, but do we know? Not at all. This is a quiz determining which one would make you one of their own, and so it was born, WHICH MYTHICAL CREATURE ARE YOU?!

This quiz features 12 questions, each kind of weird (haha) but like I said, it's a fun quiz. I took it myself to see if It works and it does! I think so anyway....

Created by: Auby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of animal would you be?
  2. What type of food do you like?
  3. If you could, what age would you travel to?
  4. Where would you travel to?
  5. Favorite Music?
  6. What color is your favorite?
  7. Ring a bell?
  8. Solve. _a_
  9. Your walking down the street and you see your arch- enemy walking toward you. What do you do?
  10. Was this quiz fun, boring, what? TELL MUAHAHAHAHH

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Quiz topic: What mythical creature am I?