What my little pony character are you?

Hello everyone (random guest, parts of my family, schools)! Have you ever wonder what pony characters are you! Have a MILION and more beyond times fun!

The results you have could be: rainbow dash, pinkie pie, flutter shy, rarity, apple jack, or twilight sparkle!! Do well and amazing luck for you!!!!!!

Created by: Janista
  1. Your age
  2. Are you shy
  3. Gender please
  4. Fav color out of these please
  5. Do you like ponyโ€™s or horses?
  6. Fav place?
  7. Which element would you like?
  8. Sports?
  9. Glass or plastic?
  10. Do ya like the quiz!? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: What my little pony character am I?
