What monster are you?

Are you not sure what monster you are. You have always thought of yourself diffrent from normal humans but never knew what you were. You can take this quiz and know it is made by a monster expert

This is the second quiz that is ever made by Dark Angel 13. It will be a lot better then the previous one because I am a monster and horror movie expert.

Created by: Dark Angel 13
  1. What is your favourite time of day?
  2. What is your favourite food?
  3. How do you dress?
  4. Are you immortal?
  5. Do you like to hunt?
  6. Are you popular?
  7. Have you done my previous quiz. It is mostly for girls but it will really help me if you did and commented. I am only 12 and that will mean a lot to me. Its name is Is he your Boyfriend or Best friend?
  8. The previous question did not count and the rest that you are going to do will also have no affect. How do you feel about that?
  9. This question is just random: Do you think that you will be able to kill someone with your bare hands?
  10. Will you comment on this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What monster am I?