What minecraft player are you?

Are you a pro or noob? famous or noob? builder or noob? farmer noob? whatever....you'll get to figure out what species of minecraftian you are! There are a lot!

There's a lot of minecraft players. All with different personalities. But hwat kind are? Find out now! Noobs , Pros , Griefers , Hackers , Farmers , Builders , Miners...But what are you?

Created by: jonthan
  1. What is the best game mode?
  2. What is your house made of?
  3. I'm here to kidnap you.
  4. Do you like noobs?
  5. What do you do on your first night?
  6. Where would you live?
  7. how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
  8. Biggest threat
  9. What do you do online?
  10. Do you make farms?

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Quiz topic: What minecraft player am I?
