What male Harry Potter character are you?

Ever wondered what Harry Potter male character you are? Well you've clicked on the right quiz. I was going to say come to the right place, but then I remembered that I'm on the internet..

Up until this moment you could only guess. Now thanks to my amazing typing skills, and the fact I have no social life, you can now find out! Take tis quiz...please...I'm begging you..

Created by: Poppy Katy Leech
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you could go to one place in the world where would it be?
  2. What sweet or chocolate would you most want to eat?
  3. Do you like this quiz?
  4. why?
  5. Which Disney princess is the best?
  6. What colour hair do you have?
  7. What colour eyes do you have?
  8. what house are you in?
  9. Rain or sun?
  10. What did you have to tickle in order to get into the Hogwarts kitchen?

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Quiz topic: What male Harry Potter character am I?