What magical living creature are you?

In this quiz you will know if you are a mermaid, fairy or unicorn this quiz is magical as it is about magical fairies, mermaids and unicorns so please enjoy.

I dont have anything to write about here so i made a quick song, mermaids fairies and unicorns are real please believe in them, so believe in them. Enjoy the quiz.

Created by: Victoria and olivia
  1. Are you shy?
  2. Do you have wings
  3. Do you have at tail?
  4. Can you swim?
  5. Are you a unicorn?
  6. Are you a fairy?
  7. Are you a mermaid
  8. Do you eat fish
  9. Do you believe in mermaids, faries and unicorns?
  10. What friends do you have?

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Quiz topic: What magical living creature am I?
