what kinda dog breed are you?

this is a quiz to find out what dog breed you are please take this quiz because I am trynna make it to the top 40 quizzes and I really try but never get there so can you give me a good rate

what is a parting words!!!!!!!!! this is making me so mad omg!!!! I don't even know what a parting word is how am I gonna publish this test if it wont let me!

Created by: talkisarentHot11
  1. what was the last pic you took on your phone?
  2. do you know any big gossip
  3. have you been pulled over by a cop?
  4. best compliment you ever had?
  5. have you ever ate a crayon or glue
  6. what word would your friends choose to describe you?
  7. what's your favorite chips?
  8. how smart are you (1 is the smartest 4 is the dumbest)
  9. why are you taking this quiz
  10. finally, what dog you think you gonna get

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Quiz topic: What kinda dog breed am I?
