what kind of vegtable are you?

ok this quiz is about what vegtable you are although not really its mostly just a bunch of random questions and based on you score you are either a Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, or last but not least BLANK!!! hehe. I hoe you like the quiz but first you have to read another 150 word that I have to write cauase well i don't really know why I have to write so much

ok so now i have to write 150 more characters because this website is werid so now you get to read random stuff like Bob Bryar is the hottest person ever and Horses are the coolest animals ever anywho take the stupid quiz and stop reading this CRAP!!!

Created by: Kelsey
  1. are you green?
  2. who made this quiz?
  3. are you bored yet?
  4. if you were a pirate what would your name be?
  5. 2+fish=_____
  6. are you bored out of your mind?
  7. what is the best tv show?
  8. is pie a fruit?
  9. Is toaster strudel a vegtable?
  10. Did you know that this quiz has nothing ot do with being a vegtable?

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Quiz topic: What kind of vegtable am I?