What kind of player are you???

This quiz will try (notice how I say try) to determine what kind of gamer you are. there are four results that you can get, each of them being different, obviously.

So see what you can get, each question will affect your results so make sure to pick carefully because one wrong move and your entire result can change.

Created by: Jeff
  1. What do you enjoy more, Adventure, War, or Competition
  2. Do you like simplicity or complexity?
  3. Do you enjoy videogames
  4. Are you good at problem solving?
  5. Be honest, are you attracted to videogame characters?
  6. Now, what do you like more
  7. DO you rage a lot at videogames?
  8. how are you?
  9. pop goes the weasel???
  10. So Finally what game do you play the most

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Quiz topic: What kind of player am I???
