What kind of person are you?

What kind of person are you?Lots of people wonder this same thing, and it is interesting what you get in the results. Find out what kind of person you are.

Anwser as accurately as accurately as you can to get the most accurate results. No one will see what you answered, so press what you really think. I hope that you are happy with your result.

Created by: Lana
  1. Are you a boy or girl? (This has no effect on the quizzes outcome)
  2. How would you describe yourself
  3. Do you live in a city?
  4. Do you like the beach?
  5. What high school stereotype do you think you are?
  6. What desset would you like to eat most?
  7. Do you wear hats?
  8. Do you play sports?
  9. How many kids do you want
  10. How many pets do you want

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I?
