What kind of person are you?

Who are you as a person? A home-body? Social-butterfly? Just love the outside world? Even if you think you know who you are, you should still take the quiz, because you might be wrong.....

Number 7 is key to this test. So when you chose your answer, be very careful about it. The first choice, maybe.... the second, possibly...... the third, could be.........

Created by: Janelle
  1. Witch do you prefer?
  2. Inside is.....
  3. You were just told your going camping for a week....
  4. Its raining outside and you have to go to the store that is only a block away
  5. What is your dream home?
  6. What is your favorite pet?
  7. Pick your poison
  8. Whats your fashion style?
  9. Whats your favorite hobbie?
  10. My dream job is...

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I?
