What kind of dragon are you?

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Dragons are beautiful and majestic creatures in my opinion - and there are so many different types! Have you ever wondered what kind of dragon you are?

I had lots of fun making this quiz, so I hope you enjoy taking it! This quiz is hopefully accurate, and it is my second quiz, so please enjoy or else!! :D

Created by: We1rd0_Gurl
  1. First of all, what's you're favourite colour?
  2. What result did you get in my previous "What is your Element?" quiz? (With a gacha club picture)
  3. Favourite sport?
  4. How would your friends describe you?
  5. What do you think is an important human quality?
  6. How many enemies do you have?
  7. Favourite kind of music?
  8. Favourite Disney song?
  9. (Continuation of last question - Click none of these if you already answered)
  10. What weapon are you drawn to?
  11. Did you enjoy this quiz? (Won't affect your answers)

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Quiz topic: What kind of dragon am I?
