What kind of Cowgirl are you?

Take the quiz and find out what kinda cowgirl you are. Are you an Urban Cowgirl or perhaps the Boho Cowgirl is more your speed. Maybe you're actually the Real Deal Cowgirl...

This is our fun little way to figure out what kind of western fashion is more your speed. Are you a sucker for a sundress or do you just live in your trusty denim?

Created by: Lone Star of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. Describe your perfect date night?
  2. Favourite place to chill?
  3. What are your go-to shoes?
  4. Wht's your drink of choice?
  5. What are your favourite jeans?
  6. Finish this sentence. Most of my money goes on....
  7. You stay fit by doing....?
  8. Your favourite hat is...?
  9. How many pairs of work boots do you own?
  10. Do you own a dog?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Cowgirl am I?
