What kind of cat are you?

What cat are you, a Persian, a tabby, or a siamese? Take this quiz to find out! I am a Tabby cat, calm and collected, what are you? lets find out in this awesome quiz!!

Meow meow I love cats!! Ima little kitty cat and stuff, you can be one too! Doggies are no-nos, but kitties are cute! Mew mew mew! Did you know cats are the best? Lol!

Created by: dragonkitty
  1. Where would you be on Saturday?
  2. Whats your favorite sport?
  3. What's your favorite color?
  4. What's your level of introvertedness?
  5. What is your favorite food?
  6. What do you do on a Monday morning?
  7. You prefer...
  8. Your favorite school subject is...
  9. Your favorite activity is...
  10. Your favorite animal is...

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Quiz topic: What kind of cat am I?
