what kind of angel are you

there are so many good people and badd ppl find out wich one you are in a short 14 question test find out if your a demon or a angel or a angel of death hell or heaven

come and check out my test and find out what kind of angel are you in a short 14 question test and see if your a angel of death hell or heaven and tell your freinds

Created by: javier
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do u lie
  2. have u ever stolelen before
  3. have u ever thought of suicide
  4. whats your favorite color
  5. what would you do if u seen a hobo begging what would u do
  6. do u have alotta friends
  7. what color clothes do you wear
  8. do u like abuseing animals or sibleings
  9. what kinda music do u like
  10. do you bully

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Quiz topic: What kind of angel am I