what kind of a kisser are you?

it starts of as a how impressing are you as a kisser then dont no why but it turns into a gf bf thing i think it s quite fun long but fun take it youll enjoy it i think its verys enjoyable

are you a good kisser werthy smart sneeky or whatever take this test youll see its a quizzz that maybe some of you have expirenced what some of the quetions are bassed on?

Created by: jess
  1. when you kiss you put you're hands where?
  2. feels asif their almost spitting in youre mouth you?
  3. THEY pull away and discompliment youre kissing oh C**P BUST what to doo?
  4. when he says wow that was dreamy ( which most likely wont thats a pull of line Lol ) u say back
  5. after a kiss he looks at you as in a bad way go home he calls you after sending a text sayin i need to talk to you please theres no news he could report it has to be something bad yu
  6. he grins loveingly at u after a long kiss then spends SO much time with u calls u later ur answer is
  7. after he says uhhmm fone vibrating now you felt nothing whilst hugging and he comes back with a guilty look on his face and says i ned to go pecks u and runnss you suspect ( ohbtw this is turnin in to a what type of gf are u now dont ask why? )
  8. you catch him in a room with another girl ? yoou do itzactilly what ????
  9. hes told you hes not for you ur not for him and its over ifront of friends you
  10. youre parents walk in on him tryin it on with you CRAP youu?
  11. parents walk in on u crying with him next to you because hes jus dumpped you UH OH

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Quiz topic: What kind of a kisser am I?