what kind of a best friend are you?

this quiz determines if you are a great best friend, the best best friend, a regular best friend or a meh best friend. this quiz is a bit weird but what ever

try this quiz to see if you are doing enough for your best friend. if you get meh best friend, try be a better friend.

Created by: Haley Floyd
  1. what do like to do for your best friend?
  2. when you see your friend would you:
  3. if your friend gave you a present, would you:
  4. what would you get your best friend for there birthday?
  5. if you won a prize would you:
  6. if your best friend was ignoring you what would you do?
  7. after a fight, you would ignore them and not talk to them
  8. your friend forgets its your birthday, what do you do?
  9. if you forgot your friends present, what would you do?
  10. did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kind of a best friend am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Friendship Quiz category.