What is your Warrior clan, name, and position (shecats only)

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Today you will see what clan you belong to, what your warrior name is, and your position in the clan. With this simple quiz you get to find out what your kits names will be and more.

This quiz is not what you might expect, first I could not add Shadowclan so this quiz might not be completely accurate, second in this quiz it will show you if you will be a leader deputy or medicine cat so if you were hoping to see if you were a kit, elder, apprentice or warrior this is not the quiz for you and i am sorry. Well I hope you like it, have fun!

Created by: Naomi
  1. What is your preferred clan?
  2. What is your favorite thing to do?
  3. What is your preferred pelt color?
  4. Who do you look up to?
  5. What do you use most when hunting?
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. How many kits do you have?
  8. How do you spend your time?
  9. What is your favorite color
  10. You see a cat in a different clan stealing pray what do you do?
  11. You need to talk to a leader in a different clan how do you do it?
  12. Your friend is seeing a cat in a different clan what do you do?
  13. How do you hunt?
  14. Where do you live?
  15. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my Warrior clan, name, and position (shecats only)
