What Is Your High School Stereotype? (girls Only)

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There are several high-school stereotypes that you hear about. I'm here to talk about 5 specific stereotypes. A stereotype, in this quiz, is basically the way a person is seen as if you your a prep your mean and like pink. You gotta be a girl to take quiz.

My test will find out which of the 5 I quiz you on today. The five are prep, nerd, goth, social butterfly, and sporty girl. Have fun. BTW this is VERY stereotypical and is for girls only, have fun!

Created by: Honoka
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your outfit choice for a school day? (Shirt, pants, shoes)
  3. What is your favorite class?(basic classes)
  4. Do you have a boyfriend?
  5. Are you having fun?
  6. What do you do after school?
  7. What do you have for a snack?
  8. How many friends do you have?
  9. Which stereotype do you think you are?
  10. Ok last question, are you actually a girl?

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Quiz topic: What Is my High School Stereotype? (girls Only)