what is your greek godly parent

this quiz is a quiz i have to write paragraph about this quiz but i am not a child of athena (thankfully) and don't like test good for you you don't have to read the next one cause im gonna try

this is a quiz about who your godly parent witch ranges to zeus all the way to demeter the god shall look over your answers so you get the right one good luck

Created by: noah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. no efect* what is your fave color
  2. what is the most posible for your station in capture the flag
  3. were do you like to stay for vaca
  4. do you like to fight
  6. have you ever seen monsters before (trufuly)
  7. no efect what is your fave animal
  8. i like pineapples do you
  10. sorry not yet do you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: What is my greek godly parent