What Is Your Dæmon? The Golden Compass?

Dæmons are mythical creatures from the book series "his dark materials." They are animals that follow you everywhere, and are representations of your conscious/soul.

What is YOUR dæmon? Are you a confident person? A shy person? Or just a plain random person? Whatever dæmon you get, you and your dæmon will always love each other and card for one another. This quiz is to help you learn YOUR dæmon!!!

Created by: You will never know...
  1. Ok, first of all... Did you ever wish to have a dæmon?
  2. Ok... Time for the true questions... If you had a dæmon, what would you most likely do for fun?
  3. If you were a dæmon...
  4. If you were in middle school, and there was a big project due TWO DAYS FROM NOW, what would you do?
  5. What do you think that your dæmon would do (think about YOUR personality) if he/she spotted a friend getting bullied?
  6. You are sitting quietly in a room with your WHOLE family in it. It's one of those boring family reunions... Then, all of a sudden, an evil witch bursts into the room and starts to attack a random family member you don't know. You...
  7. If you had a dæmon, what personality trait do you think they'd represent?
  8. Would you consider yourself smarter than most people?
  9. what animal do you think BEST represents you?
  10. Are you sad that this is the second to last question?
  11. Goodbye! Before I go, one more question... If your parents told you to clean your massively dirty room...

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Quiz topic: What Is my Dæmon? The Golden Compass?