What is your current mood?

This quiz is designed to determine your mood, or close to it. The answers are witty and sure to make you smile even if you're in the worst of moods. So what are you waiting for? Take this quiz and find out what your current mood is. What have you got to lose? (oh except maybe dignity)

Take this quiz and see how accurate your results are, you may be surprised. This quiz is not designed to be offensive and all comments are to be regarded as simply sarcastic and nothing more. If you have a problem with.....I don't really care much.

Created by: carolyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How did you wake up this morning?
  2. If someone asked you a stupid question right now....
  3. You have car problems today, your response is....
  4. Your food gets burned, you....
  5. Your cell phone loses reception, you...
  6. Someone you haven't spoken to in a long time shows up at your house, you....
  7. Lose a letter or bill you were supposed to mail today, you....
  8. It is very hot out today, your reaction is...
  9. So far today has been.....
  10. What are your plans for the rest of the day?

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Quiz topic: What is my current mood?