What HxH character would your best friend be?

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This quiz you may see what HxH character would most likely be your best friend. It could be Gon,Killua,Kurapika or Leorio! Take this test to find out who would most likely be your best friend.

This is my 2nd quiz so um yea but if you want to see my first quiz it’s called “What is your Mha girl soulmate?” I hope you get the character you wanted to be your friend!

Created by: Little Bee
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your least favorite color?
  3. Do you like Kurapika,Leorio,Killua,and Gon?
  4. What is your ship?
  5. What is your favorite food
  6. Do you like HxH?
  7. Do you like spiders?
  8. Did your dad go get milk but never came back?
  9. How old is youuuuuuuuuu
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What HxH character would my best friend be?

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