What Hunger Games character is the most like you?

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Who between Katniss, the archer; Gale, the hunter; Prim, the adorable; or Peeta, the kind; is most like you? Want to know, it's simple, take this quiz giving a series of 6 simple questions, and look at your result.

So, Is it Katniss, this courageous girl having survived to 2 Hunger Games; Gale, this natural fighter, loyal and (we must admit) handsome; Prim, adorable Prim, always ready to help or kind Peeta that is sleeping deep inside you? May the odds be ever in your favour.

Created by: Phoebe
  1. What would be your favourite weapon?
  2. In what place would you feel the most yourself?
  3. What colour would you prefere?
  4. What would be your first action if you entered arena of the Hunger Games
  5. Say Caesar Flickermann was interviewing you. He asks : Do you have friends, say, a sweetheart?" What would be your answer?
  6. What would be your favorite hobbys?
  7. Who is your favourite Hunger games character?
  8. Who is your favourite seondary character
  9. What Hunger Games character you THINK is most like you?
  10. Do people say you are...

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